Hourly Rate: $150 per hour
Full Day Rate: $850 for 6 hours ($50 off)
Minimum: $200
Rates are non-negotiable.
Handpoked Rate: $200 per hour
*Full Day Rate Does Not Apply.
A $200 deposit is required to book.
The deposit is non-refundable, but will come off the final price of your tattoo session.
($200 deposits started becoming required for April 2025 appointments and so on.)
Deposits are for the time Belle puts aside to draw and communicate with you. Your appointment and/or drawing is NOT guaranteed until a full deposit is paid.
Policies that will make you forfeit/lose your deposit:
-Rescheduling within 72 hours of your appointment date.
-Rescheduling for a third time.
-Not rescheduling a missed/changed appointment date within one month of the previous appointment.
-Being 20+ minutes late to your appointment with no warning/contact with Belle.
-Major idea/design changes within 72 hours of your appointment. (This does not apply to minor changes)
Sending a deposit means you are agreeing to all the terms listed above.
Forfeiting a deposit will require you to place another deposit before you’re able to book again. These policies are in place to give you and Belle the best tattoo experience possible. It is also in place to protect the drawing and consultation/communication time Belle prepares for you.
Belle takes deposits through her Venmo or Cash. She will only ask for a deposit if your request is accepted.
If you receive an email from an email that is not or a DM from an account that is not @Bobboinks asking for a deposit: it is a scam.
Belle is a St. Paul Tattoo Artist and works only out of Northern Belle Tattoo, unless specified otherwise.